by Konnect ERP

Hooray! Your business is growing fast but the main problem is a limitation of storage, Spread sheet, and multiple application will have limitations and effects productivity. ERP software companies can take away the stress involved. Maintain all your business in...

 Software /  India / 272 views

by Konnect ERP

Many young entrepreneurs spend lots of time managing the business details and data.   I know how frustrating it is!   Hi, I’m an entrepreneur too, business management software helped me to rise higher in my career by saving time,...

 Software /  India / 220 views

by Konnect ERP

Enterprise resource planning ( ERP ), which is typically software used by companies to manage information word-wide. All the data regarding companies are stored in the software in the cloud storage, that’s why we call it a cloud ERP  ...

 Software /  India / 225 views